Quest Path of the Cleric
Monche published onQuest for first profession PP, Bishop
Title: Path of the Cleric.
Level: 18
Repetition: None
Starting Location: Gludin Village
Starting NPC: Zigaunt
Reward: Mark of Faith, 15 Shadow Item Exchange Coupon (D-Grade)
1. Talk to Priest Zigaunt in Einhasad Temple in Gludin Village. He will give you the

2. Teleport to Town of Gludio and talk to Trader Simplon in the weapons shop. He confesses that he bought the books at the auction and that the other buyers were Guard Praga and Priestess Vivyan. Take the

3. Talk to Priestess Vivyan in Einhasad Temple. He will give you the

4. Talk to Guard Praga at the western gate of the city. He will give you the

5. Head to Ruins of Agony with Town of Gludio and kill Ruin Zombie and Ruin Zombie Leader, until

6. Take it to Guard Praga and he will give you the

7. Go back to Priest Zigaunt. and give him 5 books. He will give you the

8. Head to Elven Ruins from Talking Island, find Lionel and he will give you

9. Give the book to Grand Magister Gallint in Einhovant's School of Magic.

10. Go back to Lionel and get

11. Go back to Gludin Village and talk to Priest Zigaunt. He will give you the

12. Go to High Priestess Levian in the temple and take the profession.