Quest Path of the Elven Wizard

Monche published on

Quest for first profession SS, SE

Title: Path of the Elven Wizard.
Level: 18
Repetition: None
Starting Location: Elven Village
Starting NPC: Rosella
Reward: Eternity Diamond, 15 Shadow Item Exchange Coupon (D-Grade)

1. Talk to Rosella in Elven Village. Click on the first Ruby, symbolof fire. She will give you Path of the Elven Wizard Fertility Peridot.

2. Head to Magister Greenis she stands in the Temple of Eva in Elven Village. She will give you the Charm of Grain.

3. Teleport to Neutral Zone from Elven Village. You need to find and kill Pincer Spider and bring her 5 Red Down.

4. Go back to Magister Greenis. She will give you Magical Powers Ruby.

5. Go to Rosella and click on the second Aquamarine, symbol of water. She will give you Appetizing Apple.

6. Run from Elven Village and find Thalia. She is standing by the Iris Lake she will give you the Sap of the Mother Tree.

7. Teleport to Elven Forest from Elven Village you need to collect 5 Gold Leaves, they fall from Dryad Elder.

8. Go back to Thalia. She will give you Pure Aquamarine.

9. Go to Rosella and click on the third Amethys, symbol of wind. She will give you Immortal Love.

10. Teleport to Elven Fortress from Elven Village. Immediately approach Northwind. He will give you Lucky Potpourri.

11. Run deep into the dungeon and kill Sukar Wererat Leader until you get 2 Amethyst.

12. Return to Northwind. He will give you a Nobility Amethyst.

13. Talk to Rosella. She will give you Eternity Diamond .

14. Teleport to the Town of Gludio. In the temple, approach High Priest Raymond and take the first profession.

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