Quest Path of the Orc Shaman

Monche published on

Quest for first profession Over, Wark

Title: Path of the Orc Shaman.
Level: 18
Repetition: None
Starting Location: Orc Village
Starting NPC: Tataru Zu Hestui
Reward: Mask of Medium, 15 Shadow Item Exchange Coupon (D-Grade)

1. Talk to Tataru Zu Hestui in Orc Village. He will give you Path of the Orc Shaman Fire Charm.

2. Teleport to Frozen Waterfalls in Orc Village and kill:
Kasha Bear until you get Kasha Bear Pelt.

Kasha Blade Spider until you get Kasha Blade Spider Husk.

3. Teleport to Cave of Trials from the Orc Village. Kill Scarlet Salamander until the 1st Fiery Egg falls out.

4. Go back to Tataru Zu Hestui and talk to him. He will give you a Hestui Mask and a 2nd FieryEgg.

5. Go out of the Orc Village, Hestui Totem Spirit will be on your left, talk to him. He will give you Totem Spirit Claw.

6. Talk to Tataru Zu Hestui. Choose the option in Gludin Village "I’ll learn the names of 99 souls".

7. Teleport to Gludin Village and find and talk to Seer Umos.

8. Teleport to Fellmere Harvesting Grounds from Gludin Village, kill Grizzly Bear, until you collect 3 Grizzly Blood.

9. Return to Seer Umos.

10. Run out of town towards the arena, find Duda-Mara Totem Spirit and talk to him.

11. Teleport to Windmill Hill from Gludin Village. Kill Venomous Spider or Poison Spider, until you collect 7 Durka Parasite. When you collect 7 Durka Parasite, a Durka Spirit will appear. Kill it and get the Bound Durka Spirit.

12. Head to Duda-Mara Totem Spirit. He will give you Totem Spirit Blood.

13. Teleport to the town and talk to Seer Umos. He will give you Mask of Medium.

14. Talk to High Prefect Osborn to take a profession.

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