Quest Path of the Trooper

Monche published on

Quest for first profession Berserk, SB

Title: Path of the Trooper.
Level: 18
Repetition: None
Starting Location: Town of Gludio
Starting NPC: Master Gwain
Reward: Gwain's Recommendation, 15 Shadow Item Exchange Coupon (D-Grade)

1. Talk to Master Gwain in the Town of Gludio. He will inform you that to become a Soldier, you must get recommendations.

2. Teleport to Gludin Village and talk to Master Shubain. He will tell you that your first task will be to hunt the Felim Lizards.

3. Teleport to Fellmere Harvesting Grounds from Gludin Village. Kill the Felim Lizardman Warrior until you get Path of the Trooper 5 Felim Lizardman Head.

4. Return to Master Shubain. Give him the Lizardman Heads.

5. Now you must destroy the poisonous spiders. Teleport to Windmill Hill with Gludin Village. Kill the Venomous Spider until you collect 10 Venomous Spider's Leg.

6. Return to Master Shubain. Give him the Venomous Spider Legs and he will give you Shubain's Recommendation.

7. Return to Master Gwain. He will tell you that as a final challenge you must defeat the Ogre and bring his heart.

8. Teleport to Ruins of Agony and kill Tumran Bugbear until you get Tumran Bugbear Heart.

9. Go back to Master Gwain. Talk to him and he will give you Gwain's Recommendation.

10. Talk to Grand Master Gershwin o take the profession.

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