Quest for a second profession Spoil 3 in 1

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Spoil's second profession

Title: Quest for a second profession Spoil 3 in 1
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting location: Town of Giran
Starting NPC: Warehouse Keeper Valkon
Reward: Mark of Guildsman, Mark of Prosperity, Mark of Searcher

1. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Warehouse Keeper Valkon in the warehouse and get Quest for a second profession Spoil 3 in 1 Valkon's Recommendation.
Warehouse Keeper Valkon
2. Also talk to Warehouse Keeper Parman in the warehouse, get 1st Ring of Testimony.
Warehouse Keeper Parman
3. Teleport to Hunters Village, talk to Master Luther in the warriors' guild, get Luther's Letter.
Master Luther
4. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Guard Bright, get Bright's List.
Guard Bright
5. Go to Floran Village, talk to Captain Alex, get Alex's Warrant.
Captain Alex
6. Follow the pointer on the map and talk to Militiaman Leirynn, get Leirynn's 1st Order.
Militiaman Leirynn
7. Kill Delu Lizardman Shaman monsters until you collect 10 Delu Totem.
Delu Lizardman Shaman
8. Return to Militiaman Leirynn, get Leirynn's 2nd Order.
Militiaman Leirynn
9. Run along the river, follow the pointer on the map, kill the quest monster Delu Chief Kalkis, get Chief Kalki's Fang, Strange Map.
Delu Chief Kalkis
10. Return to Militiaman Leirynn, get Leirynn's Report.
Militiaman Leirynn
11. Talk to Captain Alex, get Lambert's Map, Alex's Letter and Alex's Order.
Captain Alex
12. Teleport to the Town of Gludio, talk to Drunkard Borys behind the smithy and get the Wine Catalog.
13. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village > Spider Nest, talk to the Grocer Tyra, get Tyra's Contract.
14. Teleport to Talking Island Village, talk to Blacksmith Altran.
Blacksmith Altran
15. Return to Valkon, get Valkon's Recommendation.
Warehouse Keeper Valkon
16. Teleport to Town of Oren > Sea of Spores, kill Giant Fungus monsters until you collect 10 Red Spore Dust.
Giant Fungus
17. Teleport to Town of Dion, head to the Catacomb of the Heretic, kill the Mandragora monsters nearby until you get Mandragora Berry.
Mandragora Blossom
18. Also with Mandragora's you need to collect 20 Mandragora Petal.
Mandragora Blossom
19. Teleport Town of Dion > Cruma Marshland, kill Giant Crimson Ant monsters until you collect 10 Crimson Moss.
Giant Crimson Ant
20. Return to Guard Bright, get Mandragora Bouquet.
Guard Bright
21. Talk to Emily, get Emily's Recipe.
22. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village > Spider Nest, talk to the Grocer Tyra and get Malrukian Wine.
23. Teleport to Talking Island Village, talk to Blacksmith Altran, get Altran's Instructionsа, Recipe: Journeyman Ring (100%), Altran's 1st Recommendation, Altran's 2nd Recommendation.
Blacksmith Altran
24. Talk to Wilford in the warehouse, choose the answer «An Elf more than 1,000 years old», get Crystal Brooch.
Warehouse Keeper Wilford
25. In the temple, talk to Lilith, get Lilith's Elven Wafer.
26. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Warehouse Keeper Norman in the warehouse, get Norman's Receipt, Norman's Instructions.
Warehouse Keeper Norman
27. Teleport Gludin Village > Orc Barracks, talk to Piotur, get Blessed Seed.
28. Teleport to Dwarven Village, talk to Elder Council Lockirin in the Elder House.
Elder Council Lockirin
29. Talk to Silver Scale's Balanki.
Silver Scale's Balanki
30. Talk to Black Anvil's Arin.
Black Anvil's Arin
31. Talk to Bronze Ley's Keef.
Bronze Ley's Keef
32. Talk to зі Golden Wheel's Spiron.
Golden Wheel's Spiron
33. Talk to Gray Pillar's Filaur.
Gray Pillar's Filaur
34. At the grocery store, talk to Trader Mion, get Contribution of Mion.
Trader Mion
35. In the warehouse, talk to Carrier Torocco, get Procuration of Torocco.
Carrier Torocco
36. Talk to Maryse Redbonnet, get Maryse's Request.
Maryse Redbonnet
37. Collect 100 Animal Skin, bring the collected resource to Maryse Redbonnet, get Contribution of Maryse.
Maryse Redbonnet
38. In the weapons and armour shop, talk to Armor Merchant Shari, get Contribution of Shari.
Armor Merchant Shari
39. Follow the pointer on the screenshot to talk to Miner Bolter, get Receipt of Bolter.
Miner Bolter
40. Teleport Dwarven Village > Western Mining Zone, follow the pointer on the screenshot, talk to Master Toma on the islet and get Contribution of Toma. (If Toma is not on the islet, wait for him or you can look for him in Abandoned Coal Mines or at the exit of Mithril Mines)
Master Toma
41. Talk to Silver Scale's Balanki.
Silver Scale's Balanki
42. Talk to Black Anvil's Arin.
Black Anvil's Arin
43. Talk to Bronze Ley's Keef.
Bronze Ley's Keef
44. Talk to Golden Wheel's Spiron.
Golden Wheel's Spiron
45. Talk to Gray Pillar's Filaur.
Gray Pillar's Filaur
46. Talk to Iron Gate's Lockirin get Old Account Book.
Iron Gate's Lockirin
47. Teleport to Town of Gludio, talk to Blacksmith Pinter in the forge, get Pinter's Instructions, Recipe: Amber Bead (100%).
Blacksmith Pinter
48. Teleport to Town of Gludio > The Ant Nest, kill Ant inside until you collect 70 Amber Bead.
Ant Captain
49. Return to Blacksmith Pinter and get 7 Journeyman Deco Beads.
Blacksmith Pinter
50. Give the wine to the Drunkard Borys, who is located in Town of Gludio, get Old Order.
51. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, talk to Bodyguard Jax and get Jax' Diary.
Bodyguard Jax
52. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Warehouse Keeper Parman in the warehouse, get Parman's Letter and 2nd Ring of Testimony.
Warehouse Keeper Parman
53. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, kill Road Scavenger monsters until you get Solt's Map.
Road Scavenger
54. Teleport to Hunters Village talk to Blacksmith Duning in the forge and get Duning's Instructions.
Blacksmith Duning
55. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orcs until you get 30 Duning's Key.
Breka Orc Overlord
56. Return to Blacksmith Duning.
Blacksmith Duning
57. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Warehouse Keeper Norman in the warehouse, get Розписка Нормана, Norman's List.
Warehouse Keeper Norman
58. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, kill Ghoul monsters until you collect 70 Gray Bone Powder.
59. Immediately kill Granite Golem monsters until you collect 70 Granite Whetstone.
Granite Golem
60. Immediately kill Dead Seeker monsters until you collect 70 Red Pigment.
Dead Seeker
61. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, kill Hangman Tree monsters until you get Makel's Map.
Hangman Tree
62. Teleport Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, follow the pointer on the screenshot, kill Silenos monsters until you collect 70 Braided Yarn.
63. Buy 10 Crystal (D-grade), teleport to Cruma Tower from Town of Dion. Talk to Maestro Nikola and get Clay Dough.
Maestro Nikola
64. Go to Cruma Tower, inside go to the Box Of Titan and get Pattern of Keyhole.
Box Of Titan
65. Go back to Maestro Nikola get Nikolas' List and Recipe: Titan Key (100%).
Maestro Nikola
66. In the swamps, kill Marsh Spider monsters until you collect 10 Spider Thorn.
Marsh Spider
67. Kill Marsh Stakato monsters until you get 20 Stakato Shell.
Marsh Stakato
68. Kill Toad Lord monsters until you get 10 Toad Lord Sac.
Toad Lord
69. Write down the Recipe: Titan Key (100%) in the book, craft the Key of Titan. Go to the Box Of Titan and get Maphr Tablet Fragment.
Box Of Titan
70. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, talk to Bodyguard Jax, get the Combined Map.
Bodyguard Jax
71. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Warehouse Keeper Norman, get 7 Journeyman Gem
Warehouse Keeper Norman
72. Teleport to the Town of Dion, follow the pointer on the map, go to the Tree and get the Rusted Key.
73. A Strong Wooden Chest will appear next to the Tree, go to it, get 20 Gold Bar.
Strong Wooden Chest
74. Teleport Town of Dion > Plain of Dion, go to Floran Village talk to Captain Alex, get Alex's Recommend.
Captain Alex
75. Add Recipe: Journeyman Ring (100%) to the book, craft 7 Journeyman Ring.
Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Valkon in the warehouse and get Mark of Guildsman.
Warehouse Keeper Valkon
76. Also talk to Warehouse Keeper Parman in the warehouse and get Mark of Prosperity.
Warehouse Keeper Parman
77. Teleport to Hunters Village, talk to Master Luther in the warriors' guild and get Mark of Searcher.
Master Luther

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