Quest for the second profession ShE 3 in 1

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Shillien Elder's second profession

Name: Quest for the second profession Shillien Elder 3in1
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Town of Giran
Starting NPC: Magister Kaira
Reward: Mark of Pilgrim, Mark of Fate, Mark of Reformer

1. Go to Town of Giran, talk to Magister Kaira in the Dark Elves Guild, get Quest for the second profession ShE 3 in 1 Kaira's Letter.
Magister Kaira
2. Talk to Priestess Pupina in the temple, get Book of Reform.
Priestess Pupina
3. Outside the temple, talk to Brother Metheus, get Metheus's Funeral Jar.
Brother Metheus
4. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, go up the left stairs, kill Hangman Tree monsters until you get Kasandra's Remains.
Hangman Tree
5. Go up the stairs, run forward, jump into the pit, kill Nameless Revenant quest monsters in the pit (use the Undead Destruction skill) until you collect 7 Ripped Diary.
Nameless Revenant
6. Ripped Diary will disappear, the quest monster Aruraune will appear next to you, kill it, get Huge Nail.
7. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Brother Metheus and get Herbalism Textbook.
Brother Metheus
8. Talk to Priestess Pupina in the temple and get Letter of Introduction.
Priestess Pupina
9. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to the Dark Elves Guild, talk to Master Ixia, get Ixia's List.
Master Ixia
10. Teleport to Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, talk to Preacher Sla and get Sla's Letter.
Preacher Sla
11. Teleport to Dark Elven Village > Swampland, follow the sign on the map, talk to Katari.
12. After talking to Katari, the quest monster Ol Mahum Inspector and Ol Mahum Pilgrim, will appear next to you, kill the monster, talk to the gnoll pilgrim, get Ol Mahum's Money.
Ol Mahum Inspector
13. Talk to Katari again.
14. After talking to Katari, the Ol Mahum Betrayer, quest monster will appear next to you, kill it and get Letter of Betrayer.
Ol Mahum Betrayer
15. Talk to Katari again.
16. Teleport to Gludin Village > Orc Barracks, talk to Hermit Santiago and get Voucher of Trial.
Hermit Santiago
17. Teleport to Orc Village, talk to Seer Tanapi.
Seer Tanapi
18. Teleport to Cave of Trials, turn right near the bridge, then keep to the right... Approach Ancestor Martankus.
Ancestor Martankus
19. Teleport to Gludin Village > Forgotten Temple. Go inside, kill the quest monster Lava Salamander and get Essence of Flame. (how to find the salamander, watch the video)

20. Go back to Ancestor Martankus and get Spirit of Flame.
Ancestor Martankus
21. Teleport to Orc Village, talk to Seer Tanapi.
Seer Tanapi
22. Teleport to Dwarven Village, talk to Gauri Twinklerock, get the Tag of Rumor.
Gauri Twinklerock
23. Next to Gauri Twinklerock talk to Wanderer Dorf.
Wanderer Dorf
24. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Priest Primos in the temple.
Priest Primos
25. Teleport to Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, talk to Preacher Sla and get 3 Greetings.
Preacher Sla
26. Teleport Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, go to Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Medusa monsters until you collect 10 Medusa's Ichor.
27. Teleport Gludin Village > Wasteland, follow the pointer on the screenshot below, kill Tyrant monsters until you collect 10 Tyrant's Blood.
28. Teleport to Town of Dion > Cruma Tower, kill Marsh Spider monsters in the swamps until you get 10 Nightshade Root.
Marsh Spider
29. Here, also kill Marsh Stakato Soldier monsters until you get 10 Marsh Spider Fluids.
Marsh Stakato Soldier
30. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, kill Dead Seeker monsters until you collect 10 Dead Seeker Dung.
Dead Seeker
31. Return to Master Ixia and get Belladonna.
Master Ixia
32. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Brother Metheus, behind the temple, get Alder's Skull.
Brother Metheus
33. In the Dark Elves Guild, talk to Magister Kaira and get Alders Skull.
Magister Kaira
34. After talking to Kaira, з'явиться Alders Spirit will appear, talk to him.
Alders Spirit
35. Go to the mage guild, talk to Magister Roa, choose the first option and get Alder's Receipt.
Magister Roa
36. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Warehouse Keeper Norman in the warehouse, and get Revelations Manuscript.
Warehouse Keeper Norman
37. Teleport to Talking Island Village, talk to Priest Petron in the temple and get Picture of Nahir.
Priest Petron
38. Teleport to Elven Ruins, (watch the video) go inside, kill the quest monster Nahir and get Hair of Nahir. (how to find a Nahir see video)

39. Teleport to Talking Island Village, talk to Priest Petron in the temple and get Statue of Einhasad.
Priest Petron
40. Teleport to Orc Village > Immortal Plateau, Southern Region, follow the map, talk to Kakan.
41. After talking to Kakan the Crimson Werewolf quest monster will appear, kill it.
Crimson Werewolf
42. Talk to Kakan and get Kakan's Letter.
43. Teleport toDwarven Village, follow the sign on the map, talk to Nyakuri.
44. After talking to Nyakuri the Krudel Lizardman quest monster will appear, kill it.
Krudel Lizardman
45. Talk to Nyakuri to get Nyakuri's Letter.
46. Teleport to Talking Island Village > Obelisk of Victory, talk to Ramus, get Undead List.
47. Go to Elven Ruins, kill the undead:
  • Kill the Misery Skeleton monsters until you get the Bone Fragment.
    Misery Skeleton
  • Kill the Skeleton Archermonsters until you get the Bone Fragment.
    Skeleton Archer
  • Kill the Skeleton Marksman monsters until you get the Bone Fragment.
    Skeleton Marksman
  • Kill the Silent Horror monsters until you get the Bone Fragment.
    Silent Horror
  • Kill the Skeleton Lord monsters until you get the Bone Fragment.
    Skeleton Lord

48. Go back to Ramus get Ramus's Letter.
49. Teleport to Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, talk to Preacher Sla and get Mark of Reformer.
Preacher Sla
50. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Magister Kaira in the Dark Elves Guild, get Kaira's Recommendation.
Magister Kaira
51. Teleport to Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple, get Palus Charm, Thifiell's Letter.
Tetrarch Thifiell
52. Teleport to Dark Elven Village > Spider Nest, go to Altar of Rites, talk to the Witch Arkenia, get Arkenia's Note.
53. Next to Altar of Rites, talk to Bloody Pixy, get Pixy Garnet.
Bloody Pixy
54. Immediately talk to Blight Treant, get Blight Treant Seed.
Blight Treant
55. Teleport to Hunters Village, in the Hunters Valley, kill the Karul Bugbear monsters until you get 10 Karul Bugbear Skull.
Karul Bugbear
56. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Leto Lizardman Overlord monsters until you get 10 Leto Lizardman Overlord.
Leto Lizardman Overlord
57. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc Overlord monsters until you get 10 Breka Overlord Skull.
Breka Orc Overlord
58. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Grandis monsters until you get 10 Grandis's Skull.
59. Teleport to Elven Village, talk to Andellia.
60. Teleport to Dark Elven Village > Swampland, kill the quest monster Black Willow Lurker and get Black Willow Leaf.
Black Willow Lurker
61. Follow the map, kill the quest monster Black Willow until you get Debris of Willow.
Black Willow
62. Immediately talk to Uruha, and get Book of Darkness.
63. Return to Andellia, choose the first option.
64. Teleport to Dark Elven Village > Spider Nest, go to Altar of Rites, talk to Bloody Pixy, get Red Fairy Dust.
Bloody Pixy
65. Return to Blight Treant, get Blight Treant Sap.
Blight Treant
66. In the Altar of Rites, talk to the Witch Arkenia, get Arkenia's Letter.
67. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple and get Mark of Fate.
Tetrarch Thifiell
68. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, follow the pointer on the map, talk to Elder Casian, get Book of Sage.
Elder Casian
69. Teleport to Gludin Village > Orc Barracks, talk to Hermit Santiago, get Mark of Pilgrim.
Hermit Santiago

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