Quest for the second profession of PhS 3in1

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The second profession of Phantom Summoner

Name: Quest for the second profession of Phantom Summoner 3in1
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Gludin Village
Starting NPC: High Summoner Galatea
Reward: Mark of Scholar, Mark of Summoner, Mark of Fate

1. Go to Gludin Village, talk to High Summoner Galatea, in the magic shop, get the Quest for the second profession of PhS 3in1 Galatea's Letter.
High Summoner Galatea
2. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Magister Mirien in the temple and get Mirien's 1st Sigil.
Magister Mirien
3. Talk to High Priest Sylvain, get High Priest's Badge and Sylvain's Letter.
High Priest Sylvain
4. Go to the grocery store, talk to Maria, get Maria's 1st Letter.
5. Talk to Captain Lucas get Lucas's Letter.
Captain Lucas
6. Go back to Maria get Maria's 2nd Letter.
7. Go to Floran Village, near the warehouse talk to Astrologer Creta, click on the line: Ask about the thief, get Creta's 1st Letter.
Astrologer Creta
8. Go back to Maria and get Lucilla's Handbag.
9. Go back to Floran Village, talk to Astrologer Creta get Creta's Painting1.
Astrologer Creta
10. Go back to Maria get Creta's Painting2.
11. Talk to Lucas get Creta's Painting3.
Captain Lucas
12. Go back to Maria.
13. Talk to Grocer Lara, n the grocery store, get 1 of 5 Lara's List. When you complete the errand indicated in the list, return to Lara. Repeat this step until you have collected 6 Beginner's Arcana. (You can delete the list, talk to Lara again and randomly get another one)
Grocer Lara
Lara's 1st List:
  • Teleport to Town of Oren > Sea of Spores, kill Giant Fungus monsters until you collect 30 Sac of Redspores.
    Giant Fungus
  • Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Leto Lizardman monsters until you collect 30 Leto Lizardman Amulet.
    Leto Lizardman Warrior

Lara's 2nd List:
  • Teleport to Hunters Village, kill Karul Bugbearmonsters in the Hunters Valley until you collect 30 Karul Bugbear Totem.
    Karul Bugbear
  • Teleport to Ivory Tower, go down to the crater, kill Manashen Gargoyle monsters until you collect 30 Shards of Manashen.
    Manashen Gargoyle

Lara's 3nd List:
  • Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc monsters until you collect 30 Breka Orc Totem.
    Breka Orc Overlord
  • Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Fettered Soul monsters until you collect 30 Crimson Bloodstone.
    Fettered Soul

Lara's 4th List:
  • Teleport toTown of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Windsus monsters until you collect 30 Windsus Tusk.
  • Teleport toGludin Village > Wasteland, follow the sign in the screenshot below, kill Tyrant monsters until you collect 30 Talons of Tyrant.

Lara's 5th List:
  • Teleport toTown of Giran > Dragon Valley or teleport Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold head to Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Wyrm, monsters until you collect 30 Fangs of Wyrm.
  • Teleport toTown of Gludio > The Ant Nest, inside kill Noble Ant Leader monsters until you collect 30 Wings of Droneant.
    Noble Ant Leader

14. Go to Town of Giran, talk to Magister Kaira in the Dark Elves Guild, get Kaira's Letter.
Magister Kaira
15. Outside the temple, talk to Brother Metheus, get Metheus's Funeral Jar.
Brother Metheus
16. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill the Leto Lizardman Warrior monsters until you collect 5 Brown Scroll Scrap.
Leto Lizardman Warrior
17. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Maria and get the Crystal of Purity.
18. In the temple, talk to High Priest Sylvain, get Symbol of Sylvain.
High Priest Sylvain
19. Talk to Magister Mirien get Mirien's 2nd Sigil.
Magister Mirien
20. Go to Execution Grounds, kill Hangman Tree monsters until you get Kasandra's Remains.
Hangman Tree
21. Go back to Brother Metheus and get Herbalism Textbook.
Brother Metheus
22. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to the Dark Elves Guild, talk to Master Ixia, get Ixia's List.
Master Ixia
23. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Grand Magister Jurek in the mage guild and get Grand Magister's Sigil, Jurek's List.
Grand Magister Jurek
24. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, kill Shackle monsters until you collect 2 Shackle's Scalp.
For the High Five, head to Watcher's Tomb.
25. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold monsters until you collect Breka Orc Shaman kill 5 Shaman's Necklace.
Breka Orc Shaman
26. Go to Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Medusa monsters until you collect 10 Medusa's Ichor.
27. Teleport Gludin Village > Wasteland, follow the pointer on the screenshot below, kill Tyrant monsters until you collect 10 Tyrant's Blood.
28. Teleport Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, kill Monster Eye Destroyer until you collect 5 Monster Eye Destroyer Skin.
Monster Eye Destroyer
29. Teleport to Town of Dion > Cruma Tower, kill Marsh Spider monsters in the swamps until you get 10 Nightshade Root.
Marsh Spider
30. Here, also kill Marsh Stakato Soldier monsters until you get 10 Marsh Spider Fluids.
Marsh Stakato Soldier
31. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, kill Dead Seeker monsters until you collect 10 Dead Seeker Dung.
Dead Seeker
32. Return to Master Ixia and get Belladonna.
Master Ixia
33. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Brother Metheus, behind the temple, get Alder's Skull.
Brother Metheus
34. In the Dark Elves Guild, talk to Magister Kaira and get Alders Skull.
Magister Kaira
35. After talking to Kaira, з'явиться Alders Spirit will appear, talk to him.
Alders Spirit
36. Go to the mage guild, talk to Magister Roa, choose the first option and get Alder's Receipt.
Magister Roa
37. Talk to Grand Magister Jurek and get the Symbol of Jurek.
Grand Magister Jurek
38. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Magister Mirien in the temple, get Mirien's 3rd Sigil.
Magister Mirien
39. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Warehouse Keeper Norman in the warehouse, and get Revelations Manuscript.
Warehouse Keeper Norman
40. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Magister Kaira in the Dark Elves Guild, get Kaira's Recommendation.
Magister Kaira
41. Teleport to Hunters Village, talk to Elder Cronos, get Crono's Badge, Cronos Letter.
Elder Cronos
42. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Magister Dieter in the mage guild and get Dieter's Key.
Magister Dieter
43. Go to Floran Village, near the warehouse, talk to Astrologer Creta and get Creta's 2nd Letter.
Astrologer Creta
44. Go back to Magister Dieter, get Dieter's Letter and Dieter's Diary.
Magister Dieter
45. Teleport to Hunters Village, talk to Trader Edroc, get Raut's Letter Envelope.
Trader Edroc
46. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Warehouse Keeper Raut, in the warehouse, get Scripture Chapter 1 and Strong Liquor.
Warehouse Keeper Raut
47. Go to Gludin Harbor, talk to Drunkard Triff, get Triff's Ring.
Drunkard Triff
48. Teleport to Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple, get Palus Charm, Thifiell's Letter.
Tetrarch Thifiell
49. Teleport to Dark Elven Village > Spider Nest, go to Altar of Rites, talk to the Witch Arkenia, get Arkenia's Note.
50. Next to Altar of Rites, talk to Bloody Pixy, get Pixy Garnet.
Bloody Pixy
51. Immediately talk to Blight Treant, get Blight Treant Seed.
Blight Treant
52. Teleport to Talking Island > Northern Territory, follow the pointer on the map below in the screenshot, talk to Summoner Almors. Kill the quest monster Pako the Cat, use only your servant. Talk to Almors again and get Almors's Arcana.
Summoner Almors, Pako the Cat
53. Teleport to Elven Village > Elven Fortress, follow the pointer on the map below in the screenshot, talk to Summoner Celestiel. Kill the quest monster Unicorn Phantasm, use your servant only. Talk to Celestiel again, get Celestiel, отримайте Celestiel's Arcana.
Summoner Celestiel, Unicorn Phantasm
54. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, follow the pointer on the map below in the screenshot, talk to Summoner Basilla. Kill the quest monster Mimi The Cat, use only your servant. Talk to Basilla again, get Basillia's Arcana.
Summoner Basilla, Mimi The Cat
55. Teleport to Town of Dion > Bee Hive, follow the pointer on the map below in the screenshot, talk to Summoner Camoniell. Kill the Unicorn, quest monster, use your servant only. Talk to Camoniell again and get Camoniell's Arcana.
Summoner Camoniell, Unicorn
56. Teleport to Town of Dion > Cruma Tower, follow the pointer on the map below in the screenshot, talk to Summoner Belthus. Kill the quest monster Shadow Turen, use only your servant. Talk to Belthus again and get Belthus's Arcana.
Summoner Belthus, Shadow Turen
57. Teleport Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, go to Gorgon Flower Garden, follow the pointer on the map below in the screenshot, talk to Summoner Brynthea. Kill the Silhouette Tilfo quest monster, use your servant exclusively. Talk to Brynthea again and get Brynthea's Arcana.
Summoner Brynthea, Silhouette Tilfo
58. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Warehouse Keeper Valkon, in the warehouse, get Valkon's Request.
Warehouse Keeper Valkon
59. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to the grocery store, talk to Maria, get Crystal of Purity.
60. Return to Valkon get Scripture Chapter 2.
Warehouse Keeper Valkon
61. Teleport to Hunters Village, in the Hunters Valley, kill the Karul Bugbear monsters until you get 10 Karul Bugbear Skull.
Karul Bugbear
62. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Leto Lizardman Overlord monsters until you get 10 Leto Lizardman Overlord.
Leto Lizardman Overlord
63. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc Overlord monsters until you get 10 Breka Overlord Skull.
Breka Orc Overlord
64. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Grandis monsters until you get 10 Grandis's Skull.
65. Also, from Grandis you need to get Scripture Chapter 3.
66. Teleport to the Town of Dion, talk to the Blacksmith Poitan, and get the Poitan's Notes.
Blacksmith Poitan
67. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, follow the map sign, talk to Elder Casian, get Casian's List.
Elder Casian
68. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to High Summoner Galatea in the magic shop and get Mark of Summoner.
High Summoner Galatea
69. Teleport to Dark Elven Village > Swampland, kill the quest monster Black Willow Lurker and get Black Willow Leaf.
Black Willow Lurker
70. Return to Bloody Pixy, get Red Fairy Dust.
Bloody Pixy
71. Return to Blight Treant, get Blight Treant Sap.
Blight Treant
72. In the Altar of Rites, talk to the Witch Arkenia, get Arkenia's Letter.
73. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple and get Mark of Fate.
Tetrarch Thifiell
74. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, kill Ghoul, monsters until you collect 10 Ghoul's Skin.
75. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Fettered Soul monsters until you collect 5 Fettered Soul's Ichor.
Fettered Soul
76. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, go to Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Medusa monsters until you collect 12 Medusa's Blood.
77. Teleport Town of Oren > Ivory Tower, in the crater kill Enchanted Gargoyle monsters until you collect 5 Enchanted Gargoyle's Nail.
Enchanted Gargoyle
78. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, follow the sign on the map, talk to Elder Casian.
Elder Casian
79. Teleport to Hunters Village, talk to Elder Cronos and get the Symbol of Cronos.
Elder Cronos
80. Go to Town of Dion, talk to Magister Mirien in the temple and get Mark of Scholar.
Magister Mirien

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