Quest for the second profession Warlord 3in1
Monche published onName: Quest for the second profession Warlord 3in1
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Town of Oren
Starting NPC: Grand Master Hollint
Reward: EXP: Mark of Challenger, Mark of Trust, Mark of Champion
1. Go to the Temple of Einhasad in Town of Oren, talk to Grand Master Hollint.

1. Teleport to the Town of Giran, talk to Veteran Ascalon near the weapon shop, get

1. Talk to Kash, in the Town of Dion opposite the warehouse.

2. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Mason near the warehouse and get

2. Teleport to the Elven Village, talk to Hierarch Asterios in the temple, get the

3. Go to Elven Forest, kill the Dryad and Dryad Elder mobs until the quest monster appears.

4. Kill the Actea Of Verdant Wilds, quest monster and get the

5. Teleport to the Neutral Zone, run towards Elven Village, kill the Lirein and Lirein Elder mobs behind the bridge until the quest monster appears.

6. Kill the quest monster Luell Of Zephyr Winds, get

7. Return to Hierarch Asterios.

8. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple, get

2. Teleport to Swampland from Dark Elf Village, head to Undine's Waterfall, in the cave kill the quest monster Shyslassys get

3. Go back to Town of Dion, talk to Kash and get

9. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Magister Clayton n the Dark Elven Guild, get

4. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Martien who is standing at the northern exit of the town.

10. Go to Town of Giran > Death Pass, kill Guardian Basilisk until you get

3. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Bloody Axe Elite monsters until you collect

11. Teleport to Town of Gludio > The Ant Nest, inside the cave or outside, kill Ant Warrior Captain monsters until you get

12. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Cruma Marshlands, kill Marsh Stakato monsters until you get

13. Return to Magister Clayton in Town of Dion.

4. Go back to Mason and get

14. Teleport to Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple.

5. Teleport to Plains of Dion from Town of Dion, follow the sign on the map, in the cave kill the quest monster Gorr and get

5. Go to the Town of Giran, talk to Veteran Ascalon near the weapon shop, get

6. Talk to Magic Trader Groot in the magic shop, get the

6. Talk to Martien.

15. Go to the Temple of Einhasad in Town of Oren, talk to Grand Master Hollint.

16. At the exit of the Temple of Einhasad, talk to Cardinal Seresin and get

7. Teleport to Beehive from Town of Dion, follow the sign on the map, in the cave kill the quest monster Baraham and get

8. After killing the quest monster Baraham, Champion Raldo, will appear, talk to him (choose the first answer option).

9. Teleport to Dwarven Village, поговорите с Elder Filaur in the House of Elders.

10. Teleport to Mithril Mines / Abandoned Coal Mines, run to the sign on the map (see video). Kill the Succubus Queen.

11. After killing Succubus Queen, Champion Raldo will appear, talk to him,
get the

17. Teleport to Orc Village, on the second floor in the royal hall, talk to Flame Lord Kakai and get

18. Teleport to Town of Giran, go to the Orc Guild, talk to Seer Manakia.

19. From Town of Giran, teleport to Hardin's Private Academy, kill Windsus monsters until you collect

9. Also with Windsus you need to collect

7. Teleport to Breka's Stronghold, follow the pointer on the map, kill Harpy monsters until you collect

8. Immediately kill Medusa monsters until you collect

20. Give the Parasite of Lota Seer Manakia, and you will receive the

10. Go back to Magic Trader Groot, get

11. Talk to the Veteran Ascalon near the weapon shop, get

12. Teleport to the Town of Oren, talk to the Chief of Guard Mouen and get

13. From Town of Giran teleport to Dragon Valley, kill Road Scavenger monsters until you collect

14. Go back to Town of Oren, talk to the Chief of Guard Mouen, get another

15. Teleport to the Plains of the Lizardmen, killLeto Lizardman until you collect

16. Go back to the Mouen Guard Chief and get

17. Teleport to the Town of Giran, talk to the Veteran Ascalon near the weapon shop, get the

21. Teleport to Orc Village, give the letter to Flame Lord Kakai and get the

22. Teleport to Dwarven Village, talk to Iron Gate's Lockirin in the elders' house and get

23. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Cruma Marshlands, talk to Maestro Nikola and get

24. Go to Cruma Tower, kill the Porta monsters until you get the

25. Go back to Maestro Nikola.

26. Go back to Dwarven Village, talk to Iron Gate's Lockirin and get the

27. Teleport to Town of Oren, talk to Grand Master Hollint and get

28. Teleport to Talking Island Village, talk to High Priest Biotin, get the