Quest for the second profession Gladiator 3in1

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Second profession Gladiator 3in1

Name: Quest for the second profession Gladiator 3in1
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Town of Oren
Starting NPC: High Priest Hollint
Reward: Mark of Challenger, Mark of Trust, Mark of Duelist

1. Go to the Temple of Einhasad in Town of Oren, talk to the High Priest of Hollint.
2. Go to the Warriors' Guild, talk to the Duelist Kaien and get the Quest for the second profession Gladiator 3in1 Order Gludio, Order Dion, Order Giran, Order Oren and Order Aden.
3. Talk to Kash, who is located in the Town of Dion opposite the warehouse.
4. Teleport to Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Asterios in the temple, and get the Order of Asterios.
5. Go to Elven Forest, kill Dryad and Dryad Elder mobs until the quest monster appears.
Dryad Elder
6. Kill the Actea Of Verdant Wilds, quest monster and get the Seed of Verdure.
Actea Of Verdant Wilds
7. Teleport to the Neutral Zone, run towards Elven Village, kill the Lirein and Lirein Elder mobs behind the bridge until the quest monster appears.
8. Kill the quest monster Luell Of Zephyr Winds, get Breath of Winds.
Luell Of Zephyr Winds
9. Return to the Tetrarch Asterios.
10. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple, and get Letter from Thifiell.
11. Teleport to Swampland from Dark Elf Village, go to Undine's Falls, kill the quest monster Shyslassys in the cave, get the Broken Key, from it, use the key to open the chest that appeared next to the killed quest monster to get the Scroll of Shyslassys.
12. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, kill Puncher monsters until you collect 10 Puncher's Shard.
13. Go to The Ant Nest, inside kill Noble Ant Leader monsters until you collect 10 Noble Ant's Feeler.
Noble Ant Leader
14. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Clayton in the Dark Elves Guild, and get the Order of Clayton.
15. Talk to Kash and get the Letter of Kash.
16. Go to Execution Grounds, kill Dead Seeker monsters until you collect 10 Dead Seeker Fang.
Dead Seeker
17. Teleport to Town of Dion, head to Cruma Marshlands, kill Marsh Stakato Drone monsters until you collect 10 Drone's Chitin.
Marsh Stakato Drone
18. Immediately kill Marsh Stakato monsters until you get Stakato Ichor.
Marsh Stakato
19. Teleport to Town of Giran > Death Pass, kill Guardian Basilisk until you get Basilisk Plasma.
Guardian Basilisk
20. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Martien, who is standing at the northern exit of the town.
21. Teleport to Town of Giran, head to Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc Overlord monsters until you collect 10 Overlord Necklace.
Breka Orc Overlord
22. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Fettered Soul until you collect 10 Fettered Soul's Chain.
Fettered Soul
23. Teleport to Hunters Village, head to the Valley of the Hunters, kill Tamlin Orc monsters until you collect 10 Tamrin Orc's Ring.
Tamlin Orc
24. Immediately kill Tamlin Orc Archer monsters until you collect 10 Tamrin Orc's Arrow.
Tamlin Orc Archer
25. Teleport to Ivory Tower, go down to the crater, kill Enchanted Monstereye monsters until you collect 10 Enchanted Monster Eye Meat.
Enchanted Monstereye
26. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Leto Lizardman Overlord monsters until you collect 10 Chief's Amulet.
Leto Lizardman Overlord
27. Return to the Town of Oren Warriors Guild, talk to Duelist Kaien and get the Final Order.
28. Teleport to Town of Gludio > The Ant Nest, inside the cave or outside, kill monsters Ant Warrior Captain collect quest items until you get Honey Dew.
Ant Warrior Captain
29. Teleport to Plains of Dion from Town of Dion, follow the sign on the map, kill the Gorr quest monster in the cave and get the Watcher's 1st Eye.
30. Return to Магістра Clayton in Town of Dion.
31. Teleport to Dark Elven Village, talk to Tetrarch Thifiell in the temple.
32. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Martien.
33. Go to the Temple of Einhasad in Town of Oren, talk to High Priest Hollint.
34. At the exit of the Temple of Einhasad, talk to Cardinal Seresin and get Letter to Orc, Letter to Dwarf.
35. Teleport to the Beehive from Town of Dion, follow the sign on the map, kill the quest monster Baraham in the cave and get Watcher's 2nd Eye.
36. After killing the quest monster Baraham Champion Raldo will appear, talk to him (choose the first answer).
37. Teleport to the Orc Village, on the second floor in the royal hall, talk to the Monarch of the Kakai Tribe and get the Letter to Manakia.
38. Teleport to Dwarven Village, talk to Elder Filaur in the House of Elders.
39. Teleport to Mithril Mines / Abandoned Coal Mines, follow the sign on the map (see video). Kill the Succubus Queen.

40. After killing the Succubus Queen Champion Raldo, will appear, talk to him to get the Mark of Challenger.
41. Teleport to Town of Giran, go to the Orc Guild, talk to the Seer Manakia.
42. From Town of Giran, teleport to Hardin's Private Academy, kill Windsus, monsters until you collect 10 Parasite of Lota.
43. Give the Parasite of Lota to the Seer of Manakia, and you will receive the Letter of Manakia.
44. Teleport to the Orc Village, give the letter to the Monarch of the Kakai Tribe and receive the Scroll of Orc Trust in return.
45. Teleport to Dwarven Village, talk to the First Elder Lockirin in the Elders' House and get the Letter to Nikola.
46. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Cruma Marshlands, talk to Master Nikola and get Order of Nikola.
47. Go to Cruma Tower, kill the Porta monsters until you get the Heartstone of Porta.
48. Here you need to kill Excuro monsters until you collect 3 Excuro's Skin.
49. Here you need to kill Krator monsters until you collect 3 Krator's Shard.
50. Go back to Master Nikola.
51. Return to Dwarven Village, talk to the First Elder Lockirin and get the Scroll of Dwarf Trust.
52. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Grandis monsters until you collect 3 Grandi's Skin.
53. Teleport to Hunters Village, head to the Valley of the Hunters, kill Lakin monsters until you collect 3 Lakin's Mace.
54. Teleport to the Town of Oren, follow the sign in the screenshot below, kill the Timak Orc Overlord monsters until you collect 3 Timak Orc's Belt.
Timak Orc Overlord
55. Go to the Town of Oren, Warriors Guild, talk to Kaien the Duelist and get the Mark of Duelist.
56. Go to the Temple of Einhasad, talk to the High Priest of Hollint and get the Recommendation of Hollint.
57. Teleport to Talking Island Village, talk to the High Priest of Biotin, get the Mark of Trust.

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