Quest Test of the Duelist

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Test of the Duelist

Title: Test of the Duelist
Level: 39+
Replay: None
Starting Location: Town of Oren
Starting NPC: Duelist Kaien
Reward: Mark of Duelist

1. Go to the Town of Oren warrior guild, talk to Duelist Kaien and get the Quest Test of the Duelist Order Gludio, Order Dion, Order Giran, Order Oren and Order Aden.
2. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, kill Puncher monsters until you collect 10 Puncher's Shard.
3. Go to The Ant Nest, inside kill Noble Ant Leader monsters until you collect 10 Noble Ant's Feeler.
Noble Ant Leader
4. Teleport to Town of Dion, head to Cruma Marshlands, kill Marsh Stakato Drone monsters until you collect 10 Drone's Chitin.
Marsh Stakato Drone
5. Go to Execution Grounds, kill Dead Seeker monsters until you collect 10 Dead Seeker Fang.
Dead Seeker
6. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc Overlord monsters until you collect 10 Overlord Necklace.
Breka Orc Overlord
7. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Fettered Soul monsters until you collect 10 Fettered Soul's Chain.
Fettered Soul
8. Teleport to Hunters Village, head to the Valley of the Hunters, kill Tamlin Orc monsters until you collect 10 Tamrin Orc's Ring.
Tamlin Orc
9. Immediately kill Tamlin Orc Archer monsters until you collect 10 Tamrin Orc's Arrow.
Tamlin Orc Archer
10. Teleport to Ivory Tower, go down to the crater, kill Enchanted Monstereye monsters until you collect 10 Enchanted Monster Eye Meat.
Enchanted Monstereye
11. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Leto Lizardman Overlord monsters until you collect 10 Chief's Amulet.
Leto Lizardman Overlord
12. Return to the Town of Oren Warriors Guild, talk to Duelist Kaien and get the Final Order.
13. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Cruma Tower, kill Excuro monsters until you collect 3 Excuro's Skin.
14. Here you need to kill Krator monsters until you collect 3 Krator's Shard.
15. Teleport to Town of Giran > Hardin's Private Academy, kill Grandis monsters until you collect 3 Grandi's Skin.
16. Teleport to Hunters Village, head to the Valley of the Hunters, kill Lakin monsters until you collect 3 Lakin's Mace.
17. Teleport to the Town of Oren, follow the sign on the screenshot below, kill the Timak Orc Overlord monsters until you collect 3 Timak Orc's Belt.
Timak Orc Overlord
18. Go to the Town of Oren, Warriors Guild, talk to Duelist Kaien and get the Mark of Duelist.

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