Quest Test of Witchcraft

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Test of Witchcraft

Name: Test of Witchcraft
Level: 39+
Повторення: None
Starting Location: Dragon Valley
Starting NPC: Shadow Orim
Reward: Mark of Witchcraft

1. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, talk to Shadow Orim, get Quest Test of Witchcraft Orim's Diagram.
Shadow  Orim
2. Go to Luxury Shop Town of Giran, talk to Armor Merchant Alexandria, get Alexandria's Book.
Armor Merchant Alexandria
3. In the Dark Elves Guild talk to Magister Kaira and get the Aklantoth 2nd Gem.
Magister Kaira
4. In the Mage Guild talk to Magister Iker and get Iker's List.
Magister Iker
5. Teleport to Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill the Lizards until you collect 20 Leto Lizardman Charm.
Leto Lizardman Overlord
6. Teleport to Town of Oren > Sea of Spores, kill Dire Wyrm monsters until you collect 20 Dire Wyrm Fang.
Dire Wyrm
7. Teleport to Town of Oren > Ivory Tower, kill Enchanted Stone Golem monsters in the crater until you collect 20 Enchanted Golem Heartstone.
Enchanted Stone Golem
8. Return to the mage guild, talk to Magister Iker, get Aklantoth 1st Gem.
Magister Iker
9. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Grocer Lara in the grocery store, get Lara's Memo.
Grocer Lara
10. Go to the Execution Grounds, go up the left stairs, take a little right, go up the stairs, run forward, jump into the pit, kill the Nameless Revenant quest monsters in the pit until the Aklantoth 3rd Gem.
Nameless Revenant
11. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Accessory Merchant Nestle in the grocery store, get Nestle's Memo.
Accessory Merchant Nestle
12. Opposite the grocery store is Leopold, talk to him and get Leopold's Journal.
13. Teleport to Wastelands, kill the Skeletal Mercenary quest monsters until you get Aklantoth 4th Gem, Aklantoth 5th Gem and Aklantoth 6th Gem.
Skeletal Mercenary
14. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, talk to Shadow Orim, choose the first option, get 1st Brimstone.
Shadow Orim
15. After talking to Orim з'явитися Drevanul Prince Zeruel will appear, kill him.
Drevanul Prince Zeruel
16. Talk to Shadow Orim, get Orim's Instructions, Orim's 1st Letter і Orim's 2nd Letter.
Shadow Orim
17. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Sir Klaus Vasper on the square, get Sir Vasper's Letter.
Sir Klaus Vasper
18. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Magister Iker in the mage guild, get Iker's Amulet і Soultrap Crystal.
Magister Iker
19. Teleport to the Town of Oren, talk to Priest Vadin in the temple, get Vadin's Crucifix.
Priest Vadin
20. Teleport to Hunters Village, go to the Valley of the Hunters, kill Tamlin Orc monsters until you collect 20 Tamlin Orc Amulet.
Tamlin Orc
21. Return to Priest Vadin and get Vadin's Sanctions.
Priest Vadin
22. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Sir Klaus Vasper on the square, get Sword of Binding.
Sir Klaus Vasper
23. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, talk to Shadow Orim.
Shadow Orim
24. Buy 100-150 Soulshot (No-grade). Teleport to Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, go to Floran Village, talk to Fisher Evert and get 2nd Brimstone.
Fisher Evert
25. After talking to Evert, Drevanul Prince Zeruel will appear, kill him with Sword of Binding, get Purgatory Key and Zeruel Bind Crystal.
Drevanul Prince Zeruel
26. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, talk to Shadow Orim and get Mark of Witchcraft.
Shadow Orim

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