Quest Trial of the Seeker
Monche published on
Name: Trial of the Seeker
Level: 35+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Town of Giran
Starting NPC: Master Dufner
Reward: Mark of Seeker
1. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Master Dufner in the warriors' guild, and get the

2. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Master Terry, get

3. Go to the Execution Grounds, turn right, go up the stairs, kill the Neer Ghoul Berserker monsters until you get

4. Go back to Master Terry, get another

5. Teleport to Fortress of Resistance, find and kill Ol Mahum Captain monsters until you get

6. Teleport to Gludin Village > Orc Barracks, kill Turek Orc Warlord monsters until you get

7. Teleport to Town of Gludio > The Ant Nest, inside kill Ant Captain monsters until you get

8. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, go to Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Turak Bugbear Warrior monsters until you get

9. Go back to Master Terry get

10. Go to Hunters Village, talk to Viktor in the weapons and armour shop. Choose the second option Alterbar Karrios, get

11. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, go to the Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Medusa monsters until you collect

12. Return to Trader Viktor get

13. Teleport to Ivory Tower, on the 2nd floor in the mage guild, talk to Magister Marina and get

14. Teleport to Dwarven Village, talk to Blacksmith Brunon in the blacksmith shop and get

15. Return to the Magister Marina.

16. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Master Terry.

17. Teleport to Town of Gludio > The Ant Nest, kill the Ant Warrior Captain monsters inside until you get

18. Teleport to Town of Dion, head to Cruma Marshlands, kill the Marsh Stakato Drone monsters until you get

19. Teleport to Town of Giran > Breka's Stronghold, kill Breka Orc Overlord monsters until you get

20. Teleport to Town of Giran > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill Leto Lizardman Warrior monsters until you get

21. Go back to Master Terry and get

22. Teleport to Town of Giran, in the warriors' guild, talk to Master Dufner and get the