Quest Test of the Searcher

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Test of the Searcher

Title: Test of the Searcher
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Hunters Village
Starting NPC: Master Luther
Reward: Mark of Searcher

1. Go to Hunters Village, talk to Master Luther in the warriors' guild, get Quest Test of the Searcher Luther's Letter.
Master Luther
2. Teleport Town of Dion > Plains of Dion, go to Floran Village, talk to Captain Alex, get Alex's Warrant.
Captain Alex
3. Follow the pointer on the map and talk to Militiaman Leirynn, get Leirynn's 1st Order.
Militiaman Leirynn
4. Kill Delu Lizardman Shaman monsters until you collect 10 Delu Totem.
Delu Lizardman Shaman
5. Return to Militiaman Leirynn, get Leirynn's 2nd Order.
Militiaman Leirynn
6. Run along the river, follow the pointer on the map, kill the quest monster Delu Chief Kalkis, get Chief Kalki's Fang, Strange Map.
Delu Chief Kalkis
7. Return to Militiaman Leirynn, get Leirynn's Report.
Militiaman Leirynn
8. Talk to Captain Alex, get Lambert's Map, Alex's Letter and Alex's Order.
Captain Alex
9. Teleport to the Town of Gludio, talk to Drunkard Borys behind the smithy and get the Wine Catalog.
10. Teleport to the Dark Elven Village > Spider Nest, talk to the Grocer Tyra, get Tyra's Contract.
11. Teleport to Town of Oren > Sea of Spores, kill Giant Fungus monsters until you collect 10 Red Spore Dust.
Giant Fungus
12. Return to the Grocer Tyra and get Malrukian Wine.
13. Give the wine to the Drunkard Borys, who is located in Town of Gludio, get Old Order.
14. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wastelands, talk to Bodyguard Jax and get Jax' Diary.
Bodyguard Jax
15. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, kill Road Scavenger monsters until you get Solt's Map.
Road Scavenger
16. Teleport to Town of Dion, go to Execution Grounds, kill Hangman Tree monsters until you get Makel's Map.
Hangman Tree
17. Return to Bodyguard Jax, get the Combined Map.
Bodyguard Jax
18. Teleport to the Town of Dion, follow the pointer on the map, go to the Tree and get the Rusted Key.
19. A Strong Wooden Chest will appear next to the Tree, go to it, get 20 Gold Bar.
Strong Wooden Chest
20. Teleport Town of Dion > Plain of Dion, go to Floran Village talk to Captain Alex, get Alex's Recommend.
Captain Alex
21. Teleport to Hunters Village, talk to Master Luther in the warriors' guild and get Mark of Searcher.
Master Luther

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