Quest Testimony of Glory

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Testimony of Glory

Name: Testimony of Glory
Level: 37+
Repeat: None
Starting Location: Town of Giran
Starting NPC: Prefect Vokian
Reward: Mark of Glory

1. Teleport to Town of Giran, go to the Orc Guild, talk to Prefect Vokian, get Quest Testimony of Glory Vokian's Order.
Prefect Vokian
2. Teleport to Gludin Village > Wasteland, follow the pointer on the map, kill Tyrant monsters until you collect 10 Tyrant's Talon.
3. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, kill Guardian Basilisk until you collect 10 Guardian Basilisk Fang.
Guardian Basilisk
4. Teleport to Town of Oren > Ivory Tower, kill Manashen Gargoyle monsters in the crater until you collect 10 Shards of Manashen.
Manashen Gargoyle
5. Return to Prefect Vokian, get Vokian's Order, Necklace of Authority.
Prefect Vokian
6. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Gandi Chief Chianta in the Orc Guild and get Chianta's 1st Order.
Gandi Chief Chianta
7. Teleport to Town of Giran, go to the Orc Guild, talk to Seer Manakia, click the first, get Manakia's 2nd Letter. Talk to her again, press the second get Letter of Manakia.
Seer Manakia
8. Teleport to Breka's Stronghold, talk to Breka Chief Voltar and get Glove of Voltar.
Breka Chief Voltar
9. After talking to Voltar the quest monsters Pashika Son Of Voltar appear, kill them, get Pashika's Head, Vultus' Head.
Pashika Son Of Voltar
10. Talk to Breka Chief Voltar again and get Scepter of Breka.
Breka Chief Voltar
11. Teleport to Town of Dion > Beehive, talk to Enku Chief Kepra and get Glove of Kepra.
Enku Chief Kepra
12. After talking to Kepra quest monsters Enku Orc Overlord will appear, kill them, get 4 Scepter of Enku.
Enku Orc Overlord
13. Talk to Enku Chief Kepra again and get Scepter of Enku.
Enku Chief Kepra
14. Teleport to Gludin Village, talk to Prefect Kasman. Ask him about the orcs Vuku, Turek and Gandi, get 3 Kasman's Letter.
Prefect Kasman
15. Teleport to Gludin Village > Orc Barracks, talk to Turek Chief Burai, get Glove of Burai.
Turek Chief Burai
16. After talking to Burai the quest monsters Makum Bugbear Thug will appear, kill them, get 2 Makum Bugbear Head.
Makum Bugbear Thug
17. Talk to Turek Chief Burai again and get Scepter of Turek.
Turek Chief Burai
18. Teleport to Gludin Village > Langk Lizardmen Dwellings, go to the beach, talk to Leunt Chief Harak and get Scepter of Turek.
Leunt Chief Harak
19. Teleport to Town of Gludio, in the screenshot below, run around the map, talk to Vuku Chief Driko and get Driko's Contract.
Vuku Chief Driko
20. Teleport to Town of Dion > Cruma Tower, kill Marsh Stakato Drone monsters in the swamps until you collect 30 Stakato Drone Husk.
Marsh Stakato Drone
21. Go back to Driko and get Scepter of Vuku.
Vuku Chief Driko
22. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Gandi Chief Chianta in the Orc Guild and get Chianta's 3rd Order.
Gandi Chief Chianta
23. Teleport to Town of Oren, follow the sign on the map, kill Timak Orc until you collect 20 Timak Orc Head.
Timak Orc Overlord
24. Teleport to Hunters Village, head to Valley of the Hunters, kill Tamlin Orc monsters until you collect 20 Tamlin Orc Skull.
Tamlin Orc
25. Return to Gandi Chief Chianta and get Scepter Box.
Gandi Chief Chianta
26. Teleport to Orc Village, talk to Seer Tanapi and get Tanapi's Order.
Seer Tanapi
27. Teleport to Immortal Plateau, Southern Region, follow the pointer on the map, kill Ragna Orc until the quest monster appears.
Ragna Orc Overlord
28. Kill the Revenant of Tantos Chief quest monster and get Scepter of Tantos.
Revenant of Tantos Chief
29. Go back to Seer Tanapi to get Ritual Box.
Seer Tanapi
30. On the second floor in the royal hall, talk to Flame Lord Kakai and get Mark of Glory.
Flame Lord Kakai

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