Quest Test of the War Spirit

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Test of the War Spirit

Title: Test of the War Spirit
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting location: Town of Dion
Starting NPC: Seer Somak
Reward: Mark of Warspirit

1. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Seer Somak.
Seer Somak
2. Teleport to Town of Gludio, talk to Seer Racoy and get Quest Test of the War Spirit Racoy's Totem.
Seer Racoy
3. Go to the temple, talk to Priestess Vivyan and get Vivyan's Letter.
Priestess Vivyan
4. Teleport Gludin Village > Wastelands, talk to Trader Sarien and get Insect Diagram Book.
Trader Sarien
5. Teleport Town of Gludio > The Ant Nest, kill Noble Ant monsters inside until you collect Kiruna's Rib Bone, Kiruna's Arm Bone, Kiruna's Thigh Bone, Kiruna's Spine and Kiruna's Skull.
Noble Ant Leader
6. Teleport to Town of Gludio, talk to Seer Racoy and get Kiruna's Remains.
Seer Racoy
7. Teleport to Town of Giran, go to the Orc Guild, talk to Seer Manakia and get Manakia's Totem.
Seer Manakia
8. Teleport to Breka's Stronghold, go to the Gorgon Flower Garden, kill Medusa monsters until you collect Hermodt's Arm Bone, Hermodt's Spine, Hermodt's Thigh Bone and Hermodt's Rib Bone.
9. A little further than Necropolis of Martyrdom, kill Stenoa Gorgon Queen, get Hermodt's Skull.
Stenoa Gorgon Queen
10. Return to Seer Manakia, get Hermodt's Remains.
Seer Manakia
11. Teleport to Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, talk to Shadow Orim get Orim's Contract.
Shadow Orim
12. Teleport to Town of Dion > Cruma Tower, inside kill Porta monsters until you get 10 Porta's Eye.
13. Here, kill Excuro monsters until you collect 10 Excuro's Scale.
14. Immediately kill Mordeo monsters until you collect 10 Mordeos Talon.
15. Teleport Town of Giran > Dragon Valley, talk to Shadow Orim and get Braki's Remains
Shadow Orim
16. Teleport to Town of Oren, go to the Orc Guild, talk to Seer Pekiron and get Pekiron's Totem.
Seer Pekiron
17. Teleport Town of Oren > Plains of the Lizardmen, kill the Leto Lizardman Shaman monsters until you get Tonar's Spine, Tonar's Skull, Tonar's Rib Bone, Tonar's Thigh Bone and Tonar's Arm Bone.
Leto Lizardman Shaman
18. Go back to Seer Pekiron and get Tonar's Remains.
Seer Pekiron
19. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Seer Somak and get Vendetta Totem.
Seer Somak
20. Teleport to Hunters Village, o to the Valley of the Hunters, kill Tamlin Orc monsters until you collect 13 Tamlin Orc Head.
Tamlin Orc
21. Go back to Seer Somak and get Warspirit Totem, Braki's Remains, Hermodt's Remains, Kiruna's Remains and Tonar's Remains.
Seer Somak
22. Teleport to Orc Village > Cave of Trials, turn right near the bridge, then keep to the right... Go to Ancestor Martankus and get Mark of Warspirit.
Ancestor Martankus

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