Quest Certified Arbalester

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Quest Certified Arbalester

Quest for the second profession of Arbalester

Name: Certified Arbalester
Level: 39+
Repeat: None
Starting location: Town of Dion
Starting NPC: Master Rindy
Reward: Kamael Inquisitor Mark

1. Teleport to Town of Dion, talk to Master Rindy in the Kamael guild.

2. In the Dark Elves Guild, talk to Magister Clayton and get Order of Clayton.

3. Follow the pointer on the map, kill Delu Lizardman Supplier, Delu Lizardman Special Agent, Delu Lizardman Commander, Delu Lizardman Shaman, Watchman of the Plains and Cursed Seer until you collect 30 Enmity Crystal.

4. Return to Magister Clayton.

5. In the forge, talk to Blacksmith Poitan.

6. Go to the warehouse and talk to Warehouse Keeper Holvas.

7. Go to Execution Grounds, kill Dead Seeker, Hangman Tree, Ghoul, Strain and Granite Golem until you collect 30 Manuscript Page.

8. Return to Warehouse Keeper Holvas.

9. Teleport to Town of Giran, talk to Grand Master Meldina in the Kamael Guild, get Kamael Inquisitor Trainee Mark.

10. Teleport to Hunter Village, talk to Master Selsia in the Kamael guild, choose the 3rd option.

11. Teleport to Hardin's Private Academy, kill Grandis, until you collect 10 Fragment of Attack Orders.

12. Teleport Town of Oren > Ivory Tower, talk to Magister Gaius on the second floor.

13. In the crater, kill Manashen Gargoyle until you collect 10 Manashen's Talisman.

14. Return to Magister Gaius.

15. Teleport to the 3rd floor of the tower, talk to Gauen.

16. Teleport to the 4th floor of the tower, talk to Magister Kaiena

17. Teleport to Hunter Village, talk to Master Selsia in the Kamael guild.

18. Teleport to Town of Oren, go to Timak Outpost, kill Timak Orc Soldier, Timak Orc Archer until Crimson Lady appears.

19. Kill Crimson Lady, get Research on the Giants and the Ancient Race.

20. Return to Master Selsia, get Kamael Inquisitor Mark.

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